| 1. | Woodworking machines table bandsawing machines accuracy tests 细木工带锯机精度 |
| 2. | Woodworking machines . ripping circular saws . accuracy tests 纵剖木工圆锯机精度 |
| 3. | Woodworking machines - single spindle moulding machines - accuracy tests 单轴木工铣床精度 |
| 4. | Accuracy test of 3 - coordinate nc laser welding machine 三坐标轴激光焊接数控机床精度测试 |
| 5. | Woodworking machines - single spindle boring machines - accuracy tests 立式单轴木工钻床精度 |
| 6. | Woodworking machines - turning lathes - accuracy tests 普通水工车床精度 |
| 7. | Accuracy tests of the veneer wire net dryers 网带式单板干燥机精度 |
| 8. | Accuracy tests of the veneer roller dryers 辊筒式单板干燥机精度 |
| 9. | Accuracy tests of the particle forming machine 刨花铺装机精度 |
| 10. | Woodworking machines . surface planing and thicknessing machines . accuracy tests 木工平压两用刨床精度 |